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Starting from this week, i would try to summarize things in a nutshell. Feedbacks are highly appreciated!

Top 10 List Week 05:

1.Virtual Memory
Virtual Memory or VRAM is storage used as if it’s the main memory. More info within the link.
2.Advantage of Virtual Memory
Allow faster speed when only a particular segment of the program is required for the execution, and allows multiprogramming.
3.Disadvantage of Virtual Memory
Mostly the downside is less stability, storage, and performance compared to using actual main memory/RAM.
4.How does Virtual Memory Work
This is quite tedious, but in short there are two terms to know: Virtual Memory Manager(VMM) and swapping.The address is stored in the Virtual Memory while the actual data in the main memory, so if a segment is used, it will swap between each other and the one who manage it is the VMM.
In short, if the main memory is less than the virtual memory-> many swaps-> slow down the system.
6.Prevent Thrashing
There are many ways to prevent thrashing with optimazation, but to put it simply, the easiest way is to increase the main memory or reduce application running simultaneously.
If you’ve taken the data structure courses, this is the concept of Queue, whatever goes first exits first and vice versa.
8.Memory Paging
In short, paging is like giving an address to a block of memory.More info with relation with Virtual Memory within the link.
9.Page Fault
In short, page fault means that the data is not within the main memory/RAM when being accesed.
10.Belady’s anomaly
A phenomena where increasing the number of page frames results in more page fault.

You are highly encouraged to read the information given within the website for more detailed explanation.